Crispy Russet Potato Nests with Mushrooms
- 5 russet potatoes
- oil for deep frying*
- 2 tbsp unsalted butter
- 1 ½ lbs fresh mushroom caps of your choice thinly sliced
- ¼ c dry Sherry
- 3 tbsp heavy cream
- 2 tbsp finely chopped parsley leaves
Peel and julienne the potatoes into a bowl of cold water. In a deep fat fryer or heavy sauce pan that can accommodate your potato nest, heat 4 inches of oil to 375 degrees. Drain the potatoes and pat dry thoroughly.
Dip the bottom part of your fryer basket into the oil to heat it. Line the bottom of the fryer with julienned potatoes, pressing them into place with your fingers. Holding the basket handle firmly, deep fry for about two minutes, or until the “nest” is crisp. Remove basket from the oil leaving the nest on its bottom. Allow to cool completely before attempting to remove the “nest” from the basket. You may use a dinner knife to pry the potatoes loose if necessary. Make the remaining “nests.” Reheat in a 350 degree oven before filling with mushroom mixture.
Sauté the mushrooms for five minutes. Add the sherry. Sauté for 1 minute more. Add the cream and parsley stir until heated through. Fill the heated nests with the mixture. Serve immediately.
*Avocado oil works well because it can withstand temperatures up to 500 degrees without altering its chemical composition.